

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Playing Battleship

The day we arrived in Utah to start our "fabulous vacation" it was snowing in the mountains and quite chilly in the valley, especially for us Arizonans.  We had some "indoor" days where the kids just kicked back, watched movies and played games.  "GG," as they lovingly call my grandmother, also taught them how to play a couple of regular deck card games this summer like Rummy, Golf, and Solitaire.  That's been their favorite activity ever since.  We even had to buy a couple more decks when we got home.  With as much traveling as we've done and the collection of card sets we've amassed over the years, we didn't actually have too many "full decks" around here - haha!!!

On this particular 'lazy day' Bug and Monkey Boy were playing Battleship with my cousin's three-year-old son.  And do you see Freckle Face in the background?  As her little group of friends went their separate ways over the summer, text messaging was how they kept in touch.  We also learned how quickly a mobile phone bill can reach $500.  In short, we didn't have the cellular phone plan we THOUGHT we had signed up for and she was quickly told to STOP. TEXTING. ALL. THE. TIME!!! 

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