

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Fresh Look

I've finally taken the time to update the Spanish Sky Photography blog.  I am not much of a writer, so blogging about my photography gets pushed aside more often than not.  It's a weakness I hope to overcome someday, but I definitely needed to give it a little love!

It was time consuming to create all the actions in PS4 to be ready to batch process everything, but will help workflow tremendously now that it's all a click away from being ready to post.  I've re-sized images and introduced a fresh new watermark that looks better - simple, clean, basic.  See it here: Spanish Sky Blog

You may also notice some gradual changes to the Spaghetti Brunette blog too.  I like to change things up every year and with us moving overseas at the end of the year, I want to have a jump start on it while it's not quite "busy season" with photography sessions or the mix of packing up and shipping out.  And at the end of the year I print the Spaghetti Brunette blog into a book using Blurb (which I love!).  The current image size I use on the blog is not quite working out for printing in the book and I spend WAY too long reloading all the images into the booksmart program.

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