

Thursday, November 28, 2013

AYF State Championship Game

What a way to end the season - AYF State Championship game - our 49ers versus the West Valley 49ers from the Phoenix area - in the wind and pouring rain.  But nothing could stop our boys.  It was an intense game and they earned every yard they gained!
By the end of the fourth quarter, the game was still tied at 7-7 and into overtime we went.  The other team won the toss up and had first possession of the ball and four downs to get through the ten yard line and into the end zone, but with a lot of determination our boys were able to stop their drive to score.  
We had a number of penalties that pushed us back to nearly the 30 yard line, making each drive more difficult... but the boys stuck to it and gave it everything they had!  
And that was the final play - the drive that won the game!
I'll post more from the end of season party next week!
xo Happy weekend xo
- Jess

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