

Monday, June 30, 2014

Our Summer Activities, part 1 {mobile monday}

 What we've been up to this first half of the summer - via mobile phone images:
  * frequent trips to the lake, pools and water parks
  * late afternoon napping
  * visits to the library and frozen yogurt parlor
  * projects in the garage
  * fun with Copper and Daisy
  * welcoming Grandma Brunette and Grandpa Dan to their new home in Arizona!

Stay tuned for more from our summer fun! 
Happy Monday!!
- Jess

Saturday, June 28, 2014

YW's Camp Adventure

Freckle Face and Buggy had the adventure of a lifetime at their young women's camp - Northern Arizona University.  Just six girls, two leaders and two priesthood holders!  Here's some pictures they took of their activities... I am sure they'll have much more to write about than I can do here.  I'll have them share their experiences in a little more detail at a later time.

So, first stop en route from southern AZ to the cool of the mountains in northern AZ - the construction of the Phoenix Temple.  Bishop Elam was able to receive a keepsake brick from the crew working that day.

Next stop, Montezuma's Well and Castle.

Day Two: Ten hours of challenge courses at NAU.

Freckle Face was the first one to attempt this jump and the only one to land with a full grasp of the bar!

 Day Three: Ten mile hike to Humphrey's Peak

 Day Four: Canoeing on Mormon Lake and a visit to the Observatory.

 Day Five: Spelunking in the Lava Caves

Friday, June 27, 2014

Gone Fishin' {favorite friday}

[Summer 2010 - Tooele Utah]

The kids were elated to hear that they would be able to spend two weeks visiting with family in Utah this summer after all.  And I'm sure Grandma and Grandpa are just as excited for them to come stay.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Coming And Going {mobile monday}

Can you believe summer is almost half over?  Neither can I.  When you're busy with all the big and little things you don't notice the days passing away.  So far summer has been filled with a whole lot of days like this picture - pool with little friends.  I have pictures to share, but no time for sitting or writing about them... I figure once school starts approaching I'll have the time and energy to post all about camping, farewells, welcome homes, business plans, parties and other summertime adventures.  So for now, I hope you're all well.  We... well, we are doing our best to escape the 110*F heat every day for the next couple of months.... and welcoming monsoon season!
xoxo - Jess

Friday, June 13, 2014

Farewells + Reunions {favorite friday}

[Summer 2008 - England]

We're elated to hear that some of our dearest friends will be moving here this coming fall.  It's been too long, and we have missed them dearly.  This picture was taken at their farewell barbeque six years ago... my, how everyone has grown!!!

xo - Jess

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Snagged By The Cactus

Last week Daisy snagged her tail on one of our cactus plants in the backyard.  The needle was about three inches long, with about 1/2 inch imbedded into her tough skin.  I had to use the pliers from the tool box to pull the sucker out, but it ended up breaking off twice.  I am certain there's still a needle tip buried in her tail but she's refusing to let anyone near it.  She stayed away from everyone for about three days even though she didn't have a fever and there was no noticeable swelling.  She seems to be doing much better now - although I have no idea if the needle is still there or not - she's back to her usual antics therefore I'm not too concerned.