

Friday, January 31, 2014

Buggy's Wool Hat {favorite friday}

[Scotland 2009] just LOVE this picture of my little Bug. 

This girl has many exciting things coming up over the next few months.  Some of her biggest mentionables include being invited to perform with the high school orchestra, the Miss Pre-teen Arizona Pageant, and her first year at girls' camp with the Young Women... just to name a few. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Four Years {favorite friday}

Yes it's been too long! ...I've decided to bring back {favorite friday} posts in an effort to keep me "doing" -  so today's feature is from four years ago this week, Copper was a six month old sweet and playful puppy.  On this particular morning he'd been out for an early morning walk with the kids and I when he was attacked by a lose pit bull.  The experience was, I'm sure, more traumatic for the kids than for him as he bounced back quickly and there was no permanent damage - thankfully! 
Today's Copper is still much the same - adorable and joyous - and such a blessing to have counted as one of our family.

You can see more {favorite friday} posts here.  I'm sure most of the good ones were deleted when I redesigned the blog in 2012... but I guess I can start building the stock pile back up again. 

Happy Friday!
- Jess

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Paintball In The Desert

I'm not sure who was more excited, father or son!  The boys enjoyed some combat paintball over the weekend with a few friends from Military Man's shop.  They're already planning their next outing.

- Jess

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Touch And Go...

Last week was a rough one for Copper and our family.  He suddenly became ill and we weren't sure if he was going to make it.  It was particularly difficult for Monkey Boy to see his favorite companion suffering.  The good news is he is doing much better now after those few days of rest and nourishment, and he is back to his hyper-anxious self this week.

- Jess

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year's Day Hike // Bog Springs

On the first day of the new year we set out on a very long and strenuous hike. (Ok, long and strenuous for us out of shape old folk).  4+ miles through the Santa Ritas - Sylvester Spring, Kent Spring and Bog Springs.  We encountered a lot of snow, or a lot more than we expected given we're in southern Arizona.  It did get a little cold in some parts of the canyon when we were without sunshine and surrounded by snow... luckily the shivering did not last too long.
Stumbled upon some deer... couldn't get a good shot, they were sneaky sneaky when I got the camera out.
Have a great week!
- Jess

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Best wishes dear friends, for a blessed 2014!!
  Jess & Military Man
  Freckle Face, 13
  Buggy, 12
  Monkey Boy, 10
  Copper, 4
  Daisy, 2
  Spot & Peanut