Yes it's been too long! ...I've decided to bring back {favorite friday} posts in an effort to keep me "doing" - so today's feature is from four years ago this week, Copper was a six month old sweet and playful puppy. On this particular morning he'd been out for an early morning walk with the kids and I when he was attacked by a lose pit bull. The experience was, I'm sure, more traumatic for the kids than for him as he bounced back quickly and there was no permanent damage - thankfully!
Today's Copper is still much the same - adorable and joyous - and such a blessing to have counted as one of our family.
You can see more
{favorite friday} posts here. I'm sure most of the good ones were deleted when I redesigned the blog in 2012... but I guess I can start building the stock pile back up again.
Happy Friday!
- Jess