I took the kids to a Hearts Apart Luau on base over the weekend and as you can see, we had a great time dressing up, swimming, playing games and sampling the cuisine.
Dancers from the Polynesian Heritage came and put on an entertaining show while we enjoyed some pulled pork and rice.
My long-legged mini-me had a go at some limbo - and won first place. Then somehow I got talked into doing the adult limbo competition. Buggy took over my camera and snapped about three hundred pictures of me. She must have been my good luck charm because I also won first prize.
Buggy, self-named
the hula-hoop queen. I had to kindly ask her to drop her hoop so the other girl could win... or we would have been there all night...
homegirl could go at it for hours. Besides, she'd already won the limbo, so it was
the nice thing to do. She was a great sport about it and afterwards one of the directors gave her a hula hoop to take home.
The kids talked me into letting them jump off the diving board... and that's where we spent the rest of the evening.
XOXO - Jess