

Friday, November 30, 2012

Redington Pass Jeep Trail

We recently "squeezed" another Jeep adventure into our hectic schedule.  This time we headed northeast of Tucson out to Chimney Rock by way of Redington Pass.  The kids were relieved that it wasn't a LONG ride and they had a great time exploring the endless mountains of rock.  All this mom could think about was making sure they were wisely steering clear of rattlesnakes and not falling off any cliffs with all their running and leaping around from rock to rock.  Dad had his fun too, navigating around the area in his Jeep.  I think if we ever do finally get out of here and on our way overseas like we've been planning, it's going to be difficult to give up his beloved Jeep (again)!

And this one seriously made me nervous - with only two wheels touching solid surface, and axles bending in opposite directions - I wasn't sure if I needed to be a "spotter" or be the "photographer" and take the pictures... I missed both job callings by way of anxiety.

Military Man and the kids hiking Chimney Rock.

 Came across some beautiful and unamused horses grazing along the road.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

They {heart} Shooting Guns

The kids LOVE going out with Military Man to shoot guns with their friends in the desert.  I have many images of all their November weekend fun that I have yet to get through. Things are quite a mess around here with our orders on hold and trying to sort out my medical clearance.  Throw in my photography "busy season" and "family busy season" in there and let's just say, I probably appear to anyone who sees me to be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.  **deep breaths** I'm sure in a couple of weeks things will be settling down a bit around here and I'll be able to post more regularly - with fun pictures to top it off!  Happy Thursday friends, hang in there, it's nearly FRIDAY!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Workshop Registration Reminder

Don't forget, registration ends November 30th.  Follow this link to fill out the registration form on the Spanish Sky Photography website:
Register HERE

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Catching Up On Sessions

This cute young momma couldn't get over how adorable her little man was in all of his pictures. See more of their session images on the Spanish Sky Photography Blog through the link below.

The Larson family is always so fun to work with - Mom is creative and determined and the girlies are just so darn cute!  See more images and read about their most recent session here:
Dolls in Denim

And I am so in love with the colors this momma chose for her family - even though she'd never been to the location we were going to be taking her family's photos, she did a fantastic job and it all coordinated nicely!  Read about our adventures last weekend on the Spanish Sky Photography Blog post here:
Going With The Flow

And last but not least, the incredibly cool Whetten family - their session can be viewed here:
Family Fun Day

...and I'll be posting more session images again next week! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hearts For the Holidays

Buggy saw this tutorial on Pinterest awhile back and thought it would be fun to try... I think she did well!  On another note.... busy, busy, busy.  Recently I've found myself thinking what the heck am I doing?  Working on an appeal for my medical clearance denial, renting out our home, and taking on so many photography sessions has got me thinking that I just might be going crazy.  I know I can do this, but there are moments during my day when I really have to concentrate on getting my head wrapped around all that I'm trying to accomplish over the next few weeks.  Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rainbow Hysteria

I recently snapped this set of double-rainbows just before the second one disappeared.  The kids came in the house from playing with friends out in the cul-de-sac hollering for me to hurry and come outside.  I posted on Facebook moments later that 'you'd think I've been a parent long enough that by now I would know the difference between hollering because of an emergency and hollering from excitement over a rainbow... but I guess I still don't.  I thought for sure someone had severed an appendage.'  Those comments from me sparked all kinds of conversation this week from other mothers sharing their crazy mom moments.  What a blessing it is to have friends with similar, light-hearted 'mom' stories!  And what a blessing to be able to enjoy simple things such as rainbows. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Veteran's Assembly

Monkey Boy's school held a Veteran's Appreciation Assembly today.  As part of the military kids' Deployment Group he was able to help plan the event and was especially excited about having his dad there.  The leaders of the Deployment Group are fabulous and they always do such a wonderful job supporting our military kids, and we very much appreciate them in return, including all the other many silent helpers that assisted in putting on this event.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mom's Gone Crazy

So when I was breaking a sweat trying to lug no more than five large bins marked "Christmas" into the house from the garage, the kids were snickering and wondering if I'd lost my mind.  Halloween was still set up outside on the front porch, and Thanksgiving decorations were displayed in the front room.  Monkey Boy even asked, "since we're moving during Christmas, does that mean that we're just going to have Christmas early, before we leave?"  "No son, I'm working on a project and the images I have from last year just won't do, so I'm setting up Christmas decorations to take some pictures."  It definitely feels weird though to have the tree decorated and it's only the first week of November. 

The reason for the seasonally early images is because I'm doing a beginning photography workshop next month, and wanted to get a head start on "promotional" side of things while I have random days here and there when I'm not working on other photography projects or preparing for our overseas move. 

Workshop information is on the Spanish Sky Photography blog and can be seen HERE.  Happy Tuesday friends... and don't forget to get out there and VOTE - you cannot complain if you don't do your part!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I {heart} This Is The One

After months of tough deliberation, I've finally decided on this Manti Temple image that I took earlier this summer to be made into a large wall hanging for our home... choosing was SO HARD, but I didn't want to put it off any longer.  It will be printed this week, then another tough decision will be how it should be mounted and framed...

Friday, November 2, 2012


Thanksgiving at the Brunette home will be catered this year.  Thank you, and have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Parade of Halloween Costumes

Costumes this year were all over the place.  Our family theme was the Powerpuff Girls, Freckle Face being the perfect fit for "Buttercup."  She also dressed as a "nerd" for a couple of parties and at school.

 Monkey Boy played the part of "nerd" all too well for all his Halloween events.

Buggy was "Bubbles" and I was "Blossom".
These cuties were the inspiration behind the family-themed Halloween costumes this year.  I'd been trying for years to talk them all into going along with the Powerpuff Girls theme, but they refused.  I finally nagged them enough, they said yes.  Unfortunately we had so many appointments and activities going on that we didn't get to wear the costumes I made all at the same time for the same occasion. Military Man was going to be "Professor Utonium," and Monkey Boy was going to be "Mojo-Jojo."  But like I said, too many busy schedules, left for multiple costume changes.  At our ward BBQ & Trunk-or-Treat they wore their paintball clothes and painted their faces in camouflage but sadly I didn't get any pictures of that.


I asked one of the neighborhood kids to take a picture of the three of us "Powerpuff Girls" together before they ditched me and went off running around the neighborhood with their friends.  And Dad showed up a little while later wearing the child-sized "Mojo-Jojo" costume.  I was pretty pleased with the costumes I made this year, so I'm glad the "Mojo-Jojo" costume got some wear in before being thrown back into the Halloween costume stash.